Sample Projects:
Authored Health claim petitions including overall
project management, feasibility assessment, liaison with FDA, dietary
analysis, meta-analyses, and influencer outreach. Petitions authored
Tree nuts and coronary heart disease for the International Tree Nut
Council (Approved July, 2003) Click here for petition.
- Monounsaturated
fatty acids from olive oil for the North American Olive Oil Association
(Approved November, 2004) Click here for petition.
Unsaturated fatty acids from canola oil and coronary heart disease for
the U.S. Canola Association (Approved October, 2006) . Click here for petition.
- Vitamin
D and osteoporosis for The Minute Maid Company (Proposed Rule issued January, 2007) Click here for petition. Click here for the Final Rule issed September 29, 2008.
- Health claim FDAMA Notification for Whole Grains and the risk of coronary heart disease for brown rice (Propodsed May, 2008). Click here for the petition.
Performed exhaustive scientific reviews whose conclusions were
used by major food manufacturers and commodity groups for a variety of
purposes including substantiating claims, evaluating business
opportunities and developing educational/promotional materials. A
sampling of topics includes:
- Nutrition
an immune function
Nutrition and cognitive function
Nutrition and brain structure
Protein and weight management
Protein and satiety
Protein and healthy aging
Protein and cognitive function
Dietary fiber and satiety
Sugar substitutes
Trans fatty acids and cardiovascular risk factors
Sugar and obesity
nutrition-related messages
scientific publications:
- M.
Ternus, K. McMahon, K. Lapsley and G. Johnson. Qualified Health Claim
for Nuts and Heart Disease Prevention. Nutrition Today 41:62
- Dietary Modeling Shows that the Substitution of Canola Oil for Fats Commonly Used in the United States Would Increase Compliance with Dietary Recommendations for Fatty Acids. Guy H. Johnson, Debra R. Keast and Penny M. Kris-Etherton. J. Am. Diet. Assn. 107:1726 (2007).
engaging speaker at scientific meetings:
- American
Dietetic Association annual meeting 2006. “Substitution of Canola Oil
for Fats Commonly Used in the U.S. Increases Compliance with Dietary
Institute of Food Technologists, annual meeting, 2005. “Factors and the
Potential for Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods.”
- Council
for Responsible Nutrition, annual meeting, 2005, “Qualified Health
Claims – the Consumer Perspective.”
scientific sessions:
Institute of Food Technologists Hot Topic Session, 2006. “Diet and
health still matter: Revisiting the women's health initiative.”
- Institute
of Food Technologists Hot Topic Session, 2004 “Keeping The Food
Industry Competitive: Expanding Margins, not Waistlines.”
- Bursson-Marsteller,
2003. “Navigating the Low-Carb Conundrum.”
media spokesperson:
Video News Release for launch of the tree nut and coronary heart
disease health claim, 2003
- Video
news release for launch of the canola oil and coronary heart disease
health claim, 2006
Quoted in Wall Street Journal article “Rebuilding the Pyramid” 1/27/05